The calm before the storm


This weekend instead of a long Saturday run, I had a short run planned. Then, Quin and I ran some errands. It was so pretty, we called Coach Sev to have him meet us at the beach. The great thing about living on the Central Coast of California is you can always find a quiet beach. There was hardly anyone there, and the crashing of the waves was almost deafening. Sev and I sat and watched Quin run up and down sand dunes countless times, and I had to drag him away he was having so much fun.

Sunday, I finished my last semi-hard workout on the roads totaling about 12 miles. My Coach usually likes to keep a routine before starting a drastic taper, and so far every time I have gotten to the starting line I have felt amazing. Now is the time when I start to feel a bit jittery from not running much. My legs actually start to ache. I fly to NYC on Wednesday and am excited that race day is finally approaching. I also need some much needed alone time focus on the task at hand.

Next weekend will be a far cry from my peaceful walk on the beach, but it’s what I wanted. I have always heard the fans line the whole course and are so loud you can’t hear your feet hitting the ground.  So, instead of waves crashing, I am looking forward to the deafening roar of the crowd to carry all of us to a great race. The countdown to the big dance has begun…




Blake Russell

Runner, Wife and Mom. Enjoying where the running world has taking me and looking forward to the journey.

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8 Responses

  1. Have a great run in NYC!

  2. Ben Balester says:

    Wishing you a fantastic race Blake. Enjoy!

  3. Best wishes for a terrific run in NYC, Blake!

  4. Jesse Armijo says:

    Good Luck in New York Blake! Arlene and I will be cheering you on from Abq.

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